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Sample rate 48 & 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 166
Size 13.23 GB
Duration 450min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes


This collection of ocean sound effects is truly one of a kind, offering a wide range of detailed nature field recordings for your projects. From gentle waves splashing onto sandy beaches and the light lapping of water between rocks, stones and clacking pebbles, to storm-driven surf and the powerful crashing against solid cliffs, you will find every kind of sound that you need to bring the ocean to life.

All of the recordings are seamlessly loopable, making it easy and fast to craft your own soundscapes. Whether you are looking to design the sound of a raging storm at sea, the quiet rippling of water in a harbor, or the peaceful and rhythmic atmosphere of a beach, OCEAN WAVES has it all.

The waves of this library were meticulously recorded on the coasts and beaches of some of the world’s most beautiful bodies of water – the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea and the South China Sea. We have spent countless hours capturing the perfect wave sound, and this extensive effort has resulted in an exceptional and varied selection of recordings, ready to be used to create the perfect ocean-inspired atmosphere.

Sample rate 48 & 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 166
Size 13.23 GB
Duration 450min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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Sample rate 48 & 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 166
Size 13.23 GB
Duration 450min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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