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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 583
Size 675 MB
Duration 20:29:00
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Practical Doors contains a range of interior and exterior door sound effects with common uses: open, close, creak, slam, keys, locks, latches, knocks, and many more! They fit right into your tracklay, recorded at different perspectives to capture their natural reverb. Our award-winning Sound Designers recorded all sorts of doors in a variety of locations, some of which include: residential, office buildings, apartments, Victorian buildings, prisons, and industrial units.

This library is your one-stop solution to sound editing for doors. All effects were recorded in 24Bit 96kHz, allowing for further sonic manipulation.

If you need door effects with a natural, unprocessed tone, this library is for you! Practical Doors is ideal for use in Film, TV, and Game projects, and will make a perfect addition to your sound design arsenal.

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 583
Size 675 MB
Duration 20:29:00
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Here are the included folders:
Open, Close, Creak: Warm and full sounding doors, captured at different perspectives, gleaming with character.
Locks, Latches, Keys, Bolts, and More!: A huge variety of ornaments to your door sounds, different keys, alarms, and locks to fit different doors.
Door Knocks: Foley sounds of different knocks, rhythmic, aggressive, anxious, and more.
Designed: Our team of Audio Craftsmen built castle drawbridges, bunker doors, battering rams, and more from the original recordings.

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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 583
Size 675 MB
Duration 20:29:00
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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