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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 50
Size 1.1 GB
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Introducing my new sound library, Ocean Ambience: Rocky Coastline. 

Recorded over an 18 year period on the undeveloped coasts of the Pacific Northwest, this library captures the sounds of the sea where it meets a rugged and wild landscape. Recorded in places where huge cliffs, soaring eagles and old-growth forests are the norm, this is not what is typically presented as ‘beach scenery’ in most general purpose sound collections.

With the rare exception of a distant foghorn, the sounds of the human world are absent. Each recording is a portrait of a real event that happened in a real place and has not been edited aside from basic clean-up.

Perspectives vary from extremely distant to (quite literally) dangerously close. Stereo imaging is wide, open and expansive.

What started out as a personal project almost 20 years ago has now grown into a mature sound library for professional use.

Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 50
Size 1.1 GB
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

A wide variety of perspectives and conditions are captured across 50 files featuring over 1 hour of audio.

The sounds have been carefully organized into categories, and each file has been embedded with full Soundminer metadata.

Gear Used: Sound Devices 722 Neumann Binaural Microphone Sony PCM-D8, PCM-M1, D10 Pro 2, D50 Sonic Studios DSMs Aerco MP-2 Pre
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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 50
Size 1.1 GB
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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