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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 32
Number of sounds 70
Size 1.46 GB
Duration 15 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata No

I know, I know, it’s best to have foley sounds recorded by a Foley Artist.

This sound pack is also not intended to replace that, but rather to complement it.

In this library you will find meticulously recorded and precisely edited universal foley performances of various cloth pieces and accessories that will help any sound designer without access to a Foley Artist. Whether it is just for polishing up existing performances with great sounding sweeteners, to create interesting inventory sounds, or when it comes to finding the right sounds for animation tagging.

Each recording consists of 7 carefully selected variations to give you the flexibility and editing power you need in your work to create a vivid and engaging experience. Various items of clothing made of various textiles, backpacks, bags, velcro fasteners and zippers are included.

But accessories such as wallets, belts, jewelry, keys, drinking bottles and a smartphone should not be missing here.

The idea behind the SOUND THEMES SERIES is to record and portrait sound related to a certain theme, subject or object of interest. The goals is to create exciting and unique sounds and make them available to other creatives to help them make they’re production extraordinary, emotional and cinematic. Im always on the hunt for unique, evocative and intriguing sound to add to this Library.

Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 32
Number of sounds 70
Size 1.46 GB
Duration 15 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata No

Modern Cloth Foley 01 is part of the Sound Themes Series by Systematic Sound. The Library consists of 70 field with a total number of 490 sounds.

All sounds are clean, noise-free and recorded in high quality with ultrasonic microphones in 192kHz and 32 bit float to ensure maximum quality and flexibility in the area of ​​Audio Editing and Creative Sound Design.

Gear Used: Sound Devices Mixpre 10 II, Sennheiser MKH 8050/8060/30.
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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 32
Number of sounds 70
Size 1.46 GB
Duration 15 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata No

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