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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 102
Size 1.2 GB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Bowed Cymbal 2 is a collection of 102 sounds, pristinely recorded, edited and mastered as 96k/24bit stereo wave files.

This follow up to the ever popular, original Bowed Cymbal HD library, is even more insane. David took the old, slightly cracked crash cymbal, and literally cut into it with tin snips.

He then took pliers, bent up some of the cut parts, and began experimenting with bowing little bent-up tabs as well as in between tabs.

The tonalities produced are almost nauseating! Deep rumbling lows, shimmery atonal highs, gut-wrenching mids – it’s a sound designer’s dream!

Track Names
Track names use the modifiers “Highs”, “Mids”, and “Lows”. While these are very technical terms for various frequencies across the spectrum, due to the broadband nature of some of these sounds, these terms are being used more to illustrate the general “feel” of the most prominent frequencies of the sample.

So, these modifiers are not necessarily being used to indicate specific frequencies, but more a prominence of timbre. It’s somewhat technical-based, and somewhat perception-based. Have a listen.

This collection provides some new and interesting sounds, as well as a ton of variations so your soundtrack never gets old!

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 102
Size 1.2 GB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

All Soundopolis tracks include metadata tags so they are easy to find using any search engine.

Collections come in easily downloadable zip files.

Check out the track list for more details.

Gear Used: Recording and Editing Fienup used a Rode NT-4, running through a Sound Devices 302, to make use of its great preamps and limiters, and then into his AVID HD Omni. Pro Tools Ultimate with HDX and Omni, as well as iZotope Rx 6 were used in the editing and mastering. Metadata was embedded using SoundMiner HD
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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 102
Size 1.2 GB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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