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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.9 GB
Duration 3 hr 45 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Recorded throughout 4 parts of Italy (Rome, Naples, Positano, Tivoli Gardens), the 3 hours and 45min of material gives you a large variety of sound to choose from.

Every city/town has a signature sound of its own. The constant hum or “Din” of a city varies. Rome is known for its many scooters, motorbikes, and church-bells.

This library is made up of various location Dins, and small side-street ambiance.

Of the 60 tracks, a majority are over 4 mins. and some are 5 min in length. There are sections that rival others, but overall there is a large selection to pick and choose from.

Of course, I’ve edited out all the rough areas, and material of no consequence (the boring bits) to tighten and heighten the clips, and make them sound interesting.

Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.9 GB
Duration 3 hr 45 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

The processing used is minimal. DMG EQ, C4 Compressor, and a little noise reduction in some cases. Mostly very transparent processing. There may be a moment or two where there is a wind bluster, but because of the nature of the track, I chose to minimize instead of chop out.

Gear Used: Zoom H6
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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.9 GB
Duration 3 hr 45 min
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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