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Objects - Sound Libraries

Get ready to make some noise with Sonniss’ Object sound libraries. Our extensive collection of sound effects covers everything from everyday household items to unique and uncommon objects. With high-quality recordings of foley actions like handling, pickups, and set downs, our Object sound libraries will take your audio to the next level.

Our sound effect libraries are the perfect budget-friendly alternative to a costly foley session. Why break the bank when you can access a comprehensive range of sound effects that will have you covered for any project? From the sound of a squeaky door to the satisfying clink of a glass, our object foley sound libraries have got you… (wait for it)… objectively covered!

Don’t miss out on this sonic treasure trove – start exploring our object sound libraries today!

Get super-fast downloads and 24/7 support.

Discounts available on large orders. 30-day money back guarentee on all sound library purchases.

Copyright © 2014-2024 All rights reserved.

Sonniss Limited. Registered in England, UK. Company number: 09377364.
Colony 5. Piccadilly Place. Manchester. M1 3BR


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