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Magic - Sound Libraries

Are you ready to sprinkle some magic into your next project? Look no further than Sonniss’ magic sound libraries. Our spellbinding collection of sound effect libraries will transport your audience to a world of wonder and enchantment.

From the crackling of electric spell sounds to the mesmerizing sounds of magic ice spells being cast, our selection of magic sound effects will send shivers down your spine in the best way possible. Whether it’s for film, video games, or other media productions, our magic sounds have everything you need to create captivating audio experiences.

Don’t let your audio be anything less than magical. Check out our magic collection now and let the wizardry begin. Remember, the power of great sound effects is truly “spellbinding”!

Get super-fast downloads and 24/7 support.

Discounts available on large orders. 30-day money back guarentee on all sound library purchases.

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Sonniss Limited. Registered in England, UK. Company number: 09377364.
Colony 5. Piccadilly Place. Manchester. M1 3BR


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