I started to work in the music industry in 1997 producing Drum&Bass and trance music, walking trough music production from Rock to Electronic via ethnic. Since 2011 I work as Sound Designer in Cinema. My approach to music is based on the sound as origin of intrinsic melody, so I found I was a sound designer all along my "Sound Journey" without knowing it. My tipical workflow starts with recording sounds made from the world around or custom built "instruments", it goes through processing, in the digital realm or using bent or repurposed outboard so I can deconstruct the original sound in to it's atoms to rebuild it. My approach to Sound Design in movies is based on the ideas and concepts the director wants to express and then looking for them and every shades of them in every field I can possibly put my hands on , so I can extrapolate what kind of sounds and "sonic environment" I can express using what I have and what I'm going to build for the project.
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