Secret Source, Inc. Hollywood SFX Sound libraries provided by Secret Source are compilations of private recordings by Hollywood’s sound effects editors. Independent LA editors have been designing sounds for increasingly complex visual effects, and sometimes, the perfect sound for a scene just isn’t available. The best editors don’t settle - they put down the mouse and pick up a mic to capture the sound they want. They’ve trekked to the middle of the silent mojave to capture the softest winds, received permission to destroy junk yard cars with real rescue scissors (snip-snip!) and resurrected that classic 1960’s automobile rumble with 2014 multi-angle recording technology. After the recordings are perfected and the shows are over, these sounds usually sit silent on computer hard drives, until now. Secret Source Inc, spear-headed by emmy-award winning SFX editor Jeff Pitts, is amassing professional-quality ‘orphan’ Hollywood sound-recordings and releasing them to the rest of the world. Secret Source. For editors. By editors.
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