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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 107+
Size 145 MB
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Zombie Specimens Vol. 2 is a diverse collection of zombie growls, groans and vocalisations designed from voices from multiple voice actors.

This library is a sequel of one of our most popular libraries, and includes 8 different sets of zombie vocal variations.

Our Audio Craftsmen recorded vocalisations from talented voice actors and creatively designed them to make variations including: breathy groans, deep grunts, groans, tired zombie growls, angry zombie voices and much, much more. Moreover, all of the files are provided in 96kHz 24Bit, tagged with extensive metadata and are UCS complaint for ease of use.

Also, all of the sounds are provided without reverb, so that you can drop them straight into your mix and add your own effects. This library is perfect for for adding that horrifying undead texture in Film, TV, Game and other horror projects.

Here are the included folders:

Test Subject 01: Grunts of a tired Zombie.
Test Subject 02: Breathy grunts and groans of an undead creature.
Test Subject 03: Deep, bassy grunts and growls of an old Zombie.
Test Subject 04: Various groans of an aging zombie.
Test Subject 05: Growls and sounds made by a weird haunted creature.
Test Subject 06: Groans of an undead zombie in pain.
Test Subject 07: Throaty, weird sounds of a zombie communicating.
Test Subject 08: Grunts of an aggressive, fiendish creature.

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 107+
Size 145 MB
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 107+
Size 145 MB
Type Designed
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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