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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 266
Size 1.2 GB
Duration 18 min
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Electric Arcs and Energy is essentially two separate collections of sounds. The first, Electrical Arcs are more raw. These arc sounds can be manipulated and mangled to be used as design elements in your project. They are highly flexible and can easily be pitch-shifted -48 semitones or more. They remain remarkably useful and clean giving each sound multiple “dimensions”.

The Electrical Energy collection is a series of more specified design elements that I created – Impacts and Powerups. Meant to be used in Weapon or UI design they should be flexible enough to be used as stand-alone effects or layers in more complex sounds.

Recording and Editing
This library was designed from scratch by recording highly unconventional metal sources with a cello bow and processing them (see one example in video). Great care was taken during the recording and editing process to ensure maximum flexibility of these sounds. The recording was done at 24/192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH 2050 mic which captures frequencies up to 50kHz. All processing and design was then performed at 192kHz.

Bonus – Forge Sound Design Tool Sample Map
If you own the Forge Sound Design Toolkit this library also comes with a specially curated sample map. The sample map can be loaded into the sampler for randomization and the creation of more complex sounds.

Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 266
Size 1.2 GB
Duration 18 min
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes
Gear Used: Sennheiser MKH8050 + Mixpre-6 Recorder
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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 266
Size 1.2 GB
Duration 18 min
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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