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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.57 GB
Duration 51 Minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Cuff ‘Em is a collection of all things handcuff.

Lock up the villain using the Smith & Wesson 100-1 series nickel plated carbon steel handcuff.

Use the key to unlock and unlatch to make your escape. Pick up and drop the cuffs on numerous surfaces.

Surfaces include:

Wood Table, Resonant Wood Table, Carpet, Carpeted covered Hardwood, Hardwood Floor, Two Metal Tables, Resonant Metal Table, Chaise Lounge, and Leather Drum Stool.

Also included is opening and closing of the latches, fidget and jiggle around, spin on different surfaces, and more!

60 files, 51 minutes, with over 2,285 sound effects in total! Recordings decoded from MS into stereo using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6 Recorder.

All files are metadata tagged using Basehead and Soundly.

Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.57 GB
Duration 51 Minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Gear Used: Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30, iZotope RX6 Advanced, Reaper, Soundly, Basehead.
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Sample rate 192
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 60
Size 3.57 GB
Duration 51 Minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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