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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 140
Size 13.55 GB
Duration 300 minutes
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo & Ambisonic (A)
Metadata Yes

Cicadas is a collection of summer ambiences recorded in Southern Spain over the course of 2018 summer. You will get a massive chorus in different densities and areas, individual chirps, and a designed section.

The temperatures during this time of the year are so high, ranging from 30ºC to 45ºC (86ºF to 113ºF), that cicadas are always present in daytime. The higher the temperatures, the more cicadas chirp. Having this in mind, some recordings from early June have less cicadas than the ones recorded in July and August. In addition to this, there are recordings both in the morning, where the cicadas are not so many but are already present, and in the evening, chirping all of them as a chorus after a whole day under the sun. The library contains:

Cicadas in the countryside, recorded in different months and times of the day. Some recordings only contains cicadas and some others also include birds, dogs barking, flies buzzing and rooster calls (26 audio files).

Close-ups of single cicadas, to build your own atmosphere or design insects, creatures and other specimens (17 audio files).

Cicadas in urban environments, such as parks (16 audio files) and residential areas (8 files).

Ambisonics recordings also decoded into binaural by using Harpex-X (20 files).

Designed Section: includes abstract ambiences, futuristic alarms, glitches, flybys, flapping of winds, flock of birds, individual birds, frogs, and much more (71 files).

Descriptive markers that highlight interesting events in an otherwise featureless waveform. These markers can be read in programs such as Izotope RX, Reaper and Soundminer.

All files come in 96 kHz / 24 bit and with embedded metadata, both in Soundminer and BWAV.

Featuring more than 250 minutes of cicadas recordings plus 65 minutes from the Designed Section.

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 140
Size 13.55 GB
Duration 300 minutes
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo & Ambisonic (A)
Metadata Yes
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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 140
Size 13.55 GB
Duration 300 minutes
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo & Ambisonic (A)
Metadata Yes

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