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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 46
Size 8.22 GB
Duration 260 Mins
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo
Metadata Yes

This sound library features recordings of a car protest that took place in Gdynia, Poland. Due to changes in abortion law many people showed up on the streets.

Since we’re in the middle of COVID outbreak, people decided to support the cause by using their engines and horns.

I’ve taped two stereo sets to my car, and went there to capture it from both exterior and interior (one mono and one stereo setup) perspectives.

This library features different location ambients, from subtle distant horns, through loud “peak” of the event recorded in the middle of everything that happened, up to masses of people walking by.

Everything was recorded with stereo setup on the front of the car, stereo setup on the back of the car + two interior perspectives with windows closed, partially and fully opened.

Also ambients were recorded with and without my contribution to the noise, that means that some files have my horn and engine revs, and some don’t. There’s plenty of material to choose from.

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 46
Size 8.22 GB
Duration 260 Mins
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo
Metadata Yes
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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 46
Size 8.22 GB
Duration 260 Mins
Type Source
Format Mono & Stereo
Metadata Yes

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