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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 1600+
Size 435 MB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

British Soldier Voices contains 800+ soldier vocalization sound effects.

Including orders, commands, shouts, grunts, and more performed at different intensities. All recorded up close and personal for use in video games, film, and other media content. Recorded in 24Bit 96kHz, allowing for further sonic manipulation.

Phrases include genuine language used by SAS, Army, Royal Navy, and Paratroopers as well as exaggerated script elements. We consulted real British Armed Forces Personnel to ensure that our scripts were accurate and performed correctly by our voice talent. Both modern phrases and historical phrases are included, extending the libraries use beyond modern warzones.

Whether you are making an FPS game featuring the SAS, a film featuring the armed forces, or need voice effects for training purposes, this library covers both real-life commands as well as phrases included for dramatic effect. All lines are included clean along with a processed version to add quick army radio comms to any project, perfect for video game implementation!

If you think your sound collection is in need of some reinforcements then this is the library for you!

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 1600+
Size 435 MB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Here are the included folders:
Whispering: Perfect for stealth mission and special forces operations, using the element of surprise.
Talking: Soldiers speaking at normal levels, perfect for instructing commands or for training exercises.
Shouting: Perfect intonation for heavy battle in close proximity with the enemy, lock, and load!
Grunts: A collection of grunts and efforts perfect for close-quarters combat or when a soldier is hit.

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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 1600+
Size 435 MB
Type Designed & Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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