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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 362
Size 7.46 GB
Duration 75min 28s
Format Mono & Stereo & Surround
Metadata Yes

This is an extensive recording of an Alfa Romeo 4C from 2016.

It has a 4-cylinder 1750cc turbo engine that is rated 240 horsepower at 6000 rpm.

The car has the “Alfa TCT” twin dry clutch transmission 6-speed gearbox.

The recording includes all kinds of driving at different speeds, cruising, startups, shutdowns, reversing, driving at constant RPMs, various accelerations and decelerations, long and short ramps.

Some foley is also included like doors, hood, flasher, horn, seatbelt and more.

Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 362
Size 7.46 GB
Duration 75min 28s
Format Mono & Stereo & Surround
Metadata Yes

22 channels out of which 10 channels are onboards covering interior, engine and exhausts. The exterior microphones are positioned at different spots around the recording location and covers approaches, aways, pass bys and more at different speeds.

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Sample rate 96
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 362
Size 7.46 GB
Duration 75min 28s
Format Mono & Stereo & Surround
Metadata Yes

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