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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 208
Size 781.1 MB
Duration 45 minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

“Affright” is a collection of 208 sounds (Wav, 24 Bit / 48 kHz) aimed to induce tension, fear and urgency in horror productions.

You will find looped percussive elements (clocks, metals, hits, alarms, musical elements and more at 75 bpm), designed rhythmic elements (75 bpm) and fx (atmospheric elements, reverses, noises, risers, drops).

If you are a musician who wants to define the building blocks of an intense horror track or maybe you are a sound designer who needs to create a musical moment in a scene from a sound design perspective, this library can help you to achieve those things.

Metals, vinyl noises, voices, ukuleles, flutes, guitars and clocks were used to create this intense pack of 164 loops and 44 Fx.

Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 208
Size 781.1 MB
Duration 45 minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

Check the main demo!! It was created very quickly using only the sounds of the pack with NO ADDED EFFECTS, only mixing the levels of the sounds and shows you the intensity of what you can create with this library!!

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Sample rate 48
Bitdepth 24
Number of sounds 208
Size 781.1 MB
Duration 45 minutes
Type Source
Format Stereo
Metadata Yes

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